For the vitamins I bought some prenatal vitamins but you need to take 3 a day and I find it hard to take 3 a day cause I don't eat much and you need to take with food. So I might return to my other woman multi that I only need to take once a day. I take an extra b12 as well and evening primerose oil. I have some crackers beside me and that seems to help. For this pregnancy I feel off, not like the other ones. Somedays I can't believe I am actually pregnant. I can't even get to see my family doc for another 3 weeks so I guess there is that uncertainty of what if something is wrong? I never felt that aweful with my other ones. Good thing I have seen my naturopath and see her again this week. I will keep you posted and thanks so much Cooper for responding. I will certainly ask my naturopath about the magnesium. I can't imagine taking anymore vit cause I can hardly think of eating right now the nausea is so bad...