So I figured id give this a shot. May 2010 I went into the ER for pain in my upper ab area and this bloating feeling. Turns out it was pancreatitis, (which they deemed alcohol related due to a good amount of drinking the week prior), and they admitted me for 3 days to administer pain meds and i was not able to eat for about 60 hrs. Once i was discharged they gave me a prescrition of Niacin which i took for about 2 months.
Now on July 25 2011 I went to the hospital again because i started to get the same syptoms as before ( the pain and bloating). Sure enough blood tests confirmed Pancreatitis. BUT, this time ive had no alcohol in over a month. So my AMYLASE level was 607 with a high being 115 and my LIPASE level was 6232 with a high being 393. Because i had not eaten so far that monday i wasnt in that much pain and they decided to send me home and not work for 72 hrs. 48 hrs of that with no food, but lots of water. Friday i had an MRCP done and when i visited my Dr. today he said everything on the MRCP was normal. And that was it. No more testing? No figuring out what this is or what caused it? Should i be concerned that the Dr. isnt pushing this further? Thats 2 attacks in 14 months. What do ya'll think and recommend?