Re: Bromine detox and the need for salt
Have you visited the
Iodine Answers (FAQs) section for this forum yet? If not please do...many newbie answers can be found there
if you get any muscle cramping, mix 1/4 tsp salt with 1/4tsp potassium chloride
there is not one answer with the salt
some do more than others.....
3 drops is 7.5mg total Iodine
yes you are probably detoxing
are you taking the companion nutrients?
some people have less detox taking more iodine
some don't
sometimes it is worth trying a larger dose when you don't have anything to do, just in case, for a day
like 50 or 100 mg
some people do better pulsing the doses or taking breaks
every other day or 3 days on 2 days off.....etc....