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Re: Can people survive a CAT scan?
water01 Views: 1,795
Published: 14 y
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Re: Can people survive a CAT scan?


In my opinion only, people can survive a CAT scan, but not without damage being done.

People who follow natural healing 'ways' are healthier than the 'average American' and know that cleansing, nutrition and using herbs to support the body will help get them through many emergency/crisis situations. The damage can be corrected with time and doing ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH, cleansing, nourishing the body to restore and rebuild.

One thing I would do IF I ever faced with a CAT scan or other imaging scan... ACTIVATED CHARCOAL!

Of course there are MANY natural healing protocols that will help you cleanse and restore. Activated charcoal is but one.



Activated Charcoal poultice

On this forum (Natural Healing) we utilize Dr. Schulzes Intestinal Formula #2 (abbreviated IF#2) for cleansing the colon and as an aid when healing & detoxifying the body. Amongst other herbs/fibers, it contains small amounts of both bentonite clay and activated charcoal. When taken internally, these two substances will pull chemicals, poisons, some forms of radiation AND heavy metals from the tissues & bloodstream to themselves in the digestive be safely flushed away. This is MUCH safer than other methods of detoxification that simply loosen or chelate poisons/metals into the bloodstream (in amounts FAR too vast for the liver/kidneys to neutralize & eliminate, which can quickly overburden and harm the liver/kidneys further).


Activated Charcoal Powder - Links Web Page



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