Re: New Bromide test results
The half life of bromide in the human body is twelve days, so it hangs around some time, I am researching this, and came across a story, bromo seltzer was used, over the counter headache and anxiety reliever, it also suppressed libido.
In about 1972, the government took bromo seltzer off the market, claiming it caused physcotic behavior.
So they cut the dose and started using bromide in bread manufacturing.
So eat your big brother bromide bread kiddy's. Fortunately it had the desired affect, no more street demo's.
Since at the time, epeilepsy was considered to be caused by masterbation, this dock tried giving bromo seltzer to his epelieptic patients, low and behold it seemed to work.
hence he was firmly convinced, yep epilipsy is caused by masterbation. david lubbock tx.