Re: I didnt expect this at all
Hello Mista_X
The first 44 days I did was
Science Detox, which I like alots. Then I did Dr Nautra Colonix for 46 days. It was my first time using any kind of Detox. I got an amazing result from
Science Detox. The different between
Science Detox and Colonix is that Science Detox have 2 extra stuff to take such as Toxinout (remove metals) and Flora Protect (both included). U have to pay extra for Flora Protect with Colonix.
The ingredients are exact the same. I think it the same company cuz I just order 3 Toninout bottles from Science Detox but was shipped to me from Dr. Natura. I did order Science Detox online but now u have to call and order.
I took a break for about 2 week and now using Dr. Schutze 5 days detox. I'm sure I am complete clean out now. Today is my last day and will begin using 5 days
Liver Flush by him too when I get back from Toronto next week. I am not sure if I am going to continue to do IF #1 or use Colonix fiber. I am pretty sure it will be the fiber.
By the way, before I start doing the detox. I was drinking 16
oz of vegetable juice a day for a month at Wild Oats. I was eating 100% raw food during my detox but back down to about 75% now. I did weight 165 before I started. Lost 20 lbs and started to looks thinning and no muscle mass at all. I did looks bad till I start eating chicken and egg. I do eat alots of sushi. I am happy with my results. However, I still get bloated once in awhile. I need to learn what foods I am able to eat together and what not.
Good luck