Something I may have 'accidentally' done to make the triple therapy work better...
Well, I am 1 month and 4 days post treatment and feel wonderful. No Vitamin B deficiency symptoms and no more muscle weakness. Appetite is 'slowly' improving.
Have stool test appt. in 2 weeks (soonest I can get in).
My body is just how it used to be pre-blasto.
To explain where we used to live we had well water. It was a shallow well and everytime it rained we had actual dirt in our water. When I'd drain the bathtub the dirt would be the last to go down. Not to mention...we lived around farm animals that made some bad runoff I'm sure. Anyhow, our homeopathic doctor knew of how sick I was and gave us free
Alkaline Water from his store.
(I stopped drinking the well water when I got the blasto diagnosis and just drank the
Alkaline Water - this was a huge help because only drinking bottled water can be expensive.
((My point is the only water I have been drinking is alkaline water.)) What I think 'might' be important is I took the treatment the entire time WITH alkaline water.))
I was at our homeopathic doctors office today (he also has a health food store)...I was filling up our jugs of water with
Alkaline Water and I saw on the machine it said 9.5 PH. Then under it, it said to set the machine to 7.0 ph for taking medications. I asked our doctor about this he said it won't hurt you to take 'full 9.5 alkaline water' with meds but it WILL cause the meds to work better and work much stronger. I told him I drank the alkaline water with the triple therapy. I said I'm glad I did because I needed these meds to work well. He said it greatly intensifies the meds - he knows how horrible my illness was. So I think this water gave me an added edge with the treatment, he agreed.
This may have helped with my success it may not have...but I wanted to mention this. For those about to take the triple therapy it CANT hurt. You don't have many chances to get rid of this life long misery (called blasto). So if there is a way to increase success it's something to consider.
I may have already mentioned this but my homeopathic doctor greatly added in post treatment healing. Four things he gave me I recommend to anyone to heal after treatment;
1) Vitamin B spray taken immediately after treatment. I bought a mouth spray 2500mg. NOT from walmart but from a health food store - you want good stuff.
2) Electrolytes of any kind, drink this more than water. I did this immediately after treatment till postweek 3 when my body was weakest and my muscle fatigue went away.
3)A good multivitamin. Again from a health food store.
4)A yeast detox. Mine came from the same health food store. It's nothing long and complicated it's a bottle of liquid detox taken morning and night and lasts about 2 weeks. Mine has a small amount of alcohol in it so take this 1-2 weeks after treatment to get the furazolidone out of the body. You DONT want any amount of alcohol in the body if you still have furazolidone in it. I started this detox at postweek 1 1/2 and am still taking it. (I bought two bottles).
If I can think of anything else I'll post.
I sincerely wish everyone well and speedy recovery who is battling this!!!!