Re: Sinuses, Parasites? Remedies?
I should add -
I've had Candida for a long time, working on clearing it.
The only thing that comes out of the affected sinus, is thick very white mucous looking stuff.
I've just started using peroxide again.
Now I'm using food grade that I've diluted down to 3.5% then mixed 2
ounces of that with 8
ounces of distilled water to further dilute and I'm pouring that in the affected sinus.
Just tried it for the first time tonight and it gets right in to where the strange kind of wiggle/ movement sensations are and I'm able to get a tiny bit more of the thick white stuff out.
It could be candida in there and not parasites, I just don't understand how that could make these sensations like something is maybe moving in there or the sometimes constant faint crackling noises.
It's all so confusing and maddening and I've been trying to figure this out for a long time now, 2 years+
No insurance and I know if I had it, I'd probably just be given more
Antibiotics , which I've been given for this, no long term relief that way either.
Thanks for any body that can share info on anything similar they are dealing with.