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Re: I need help
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Re: I need help

Revive 85:

I hear you!  I've had adrenal fatigue most of my life, but didn't know what was causing those strange symptoms.  Lucky for me I found a great Doc when I got my hormones balanced and he's helping me through 2 years of hell.  The last 6 months have been a struggle to function, napping multiple times a day, feeling like a miserable shadow of myself.  What helps me?  Dr. Wilsons' Adrenal Rebuilder, 20 mg hydrocortisone each day (5 mg in 4 doses), naps, vitamins, N-acetylglucosamine (Gives me energy but I don't know why!), NAPS, hormones and my Armour thyroid dosage has increased.  Shedding depression through counseling is invaluable.

I've been going through a 2 year contested divorce/custody battle.  In a small town, my spouse of 27 year's small town!  So my relationships have dwindled, not a bad thing, I was putting alot of energy into friendships that failed me when I needed them the most.  No physical stamina, couldn't work for a while or even go more than a few hours without a nap.  I still have low stamina, but am starting to recover a little, I know this because my personality is coming back.  This illness has hurt my relationships with my kids, because I'm just not "there".  Just barely existing sucks!  I guess I just want to say don't give up.  If your doctor isn't talking to you about the things I mentioned above, look for another doc, or ask the one you have about them specifically.  These are pretty standard adrenal treatments.  Read Dr. Wilson's book.  Take care of you!  My heart goes out to you-you're so young to be suffering so.  I will pray for you!



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