As far as using the flaxseed oil over the olive oil, I tested flaxseed oil during my 5th flush. Since I did not use the capsules, it tasted horrible and worse than the olive oil/grapefruit juice mixture. Now, here is the funny part. That 5th Liver Flush was the best flush I had. For the first time ever(and I have never experienced this), I released 2 almond size brown stones that looked like lava stones. I had a slight intermittent dull pain in the area of my upper right rib cage(about a 1/4 way down my right arm pit). The pain went away after a couple of days after the flush, but I believe that the pain had to do with the release of those two almond sized stones as the area in question corresponds to the liver meridean. Only God knows, how long they were sitting in my liver.