Re: Is this the crash? And when will I bleed?
I'm so sorry that you are feeling bad, unfortunately for some of us the symptoms remain longer than in others. I don't think that any one here could tell you how much longer you will be feeling ill, only time will tell. At the beginning I though I couldn't take another day anymore and thanks to God this forum, and my family I'm still here, still fighting to be back to my old self, but I can tell you that is not as bad as it was 20 months ago. I still have those down days were I feel sick and think that I will never be back to my self, but then again the good days come and I feel stronger once again. There is hope don't give up, if there is one positive thing that i have learn about this is that I'm am stronger than I though I could be. I wish I had the answer to make you feel better but I don't and all I can said is that you will make it, you will be fine, you will not die although you think and feel like u are. Don't give up!!!
I did had the sensitive gums, and I still have on and off the ringing on the ears.
You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have.