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Re: Coffee Enema stopped working - any advice??? (cross posting)
onetwothree Views: 3,012
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Re: Coffee Enema stopped working - any advice??? (cross posting)


Thank you so so much for educating me. You are such an inspiration!!! I was getting really discouraged, and sometimes it is hard to get right info.

1) IF #2 - This explains a lot. I remembered I had IF#2 left, so I started taking it yesterday. I feel so happy today. I was even wondering why. Now I know. *giggle.

2) The reason I am sticking with juice is because my digestion is horrible, not only because it is good for you.
LOL. For the same reason, I can't drink that much juice because it makes my body so cold, I recently developed a lot of swelling, gurgling sound in the intestines and bloating in the abdominal area. In TCM, eating too much salad or juice, which are considered as cold food is not very good, in fact, it can be damaging especially if you have poor digestion. Anyways, I definitely need to take superfood.

3) For liver flush, I want to try Egg Yolk and Lime juice as suggested above.

4) Question on Ashwagandha; I see you also carry this in tincture. What's the dosage if you take it in tincture form?
Are you still supposed to take 1tbs a day? Even if I buy 8 oz, it will only last me for 16days, right?



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