Re: Breast feeding problems..
grace never had a stitch of problem with breast feeding and she took 100mg a day total
Iodine in the form of
SSKI 2%(about 150mg of
KI and about 3mg of elemental). i would not take anything with elemental in it at this point because of the detox. five drops of
SSKI should do the trick.
Iodine is an "unobstrutor". it also helps to liquefy fat.
plus all this:
The effects of
Iodine deficiency by developmental stage
Prenatal development
Fetal iodine deficiency is caused by iodine deficiency in the mother. One of the most devastating effects of maternal iodine deficiency is congenital hypothyroidism. A severe form of congenital hypothyroidism may lead to a condition that is sometimes referred to as cretinism and result in irreversible mental retardation. Cretinism occurs in two forms, although there is considerable overlap between them. The neurologic form is characterized by mental and physical retardation and deafness and is the result of maternal iodine deficiency that affects the fetus before its own thyroid is functional. The myxedematous or hypothyroid form is characterized by short stature and mental retardation. In addition to iodine deficiency, the hypothyroid form has been associated with selenium deficiency (see Nutrient Interactions) and with the presence of goitrogens in the diet that interfere with thyroid hormone production (see Goitrogens) (8).
Newborns and infants
Infant mortality is increased in areas of iodine deficiency, and several studies have demonstrated an increase in childhood survival upon correction of the iodine deficiency (9). Infancy is a period of rapid brain growth and development. Sufficient thyroid hormone, which depends on adequate iodine intake, is essential for normal brain development. Even in the absence of congenital hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency during infancy may result in abnormal brain development and, consequently, impaired intellectual development (10).
Children and adolescents
Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents is often associated with goiter. The incidence of goiter peaks in adolescence and is more common in girls. School children in iodine-deficient areas show poorer school performance, lower IQs, and a higher incidence of learning disabilities than matched groups from iodine-sufficient areas. A meta-analysis of 18 studies concluded that iodine deficiency alone lowered mean IQ scores in children by 13.5 points (11, 12).
Inadequate iodine intake may also result in goiter and hypothyroidism in adults. Although the effects of hypothyroidism are more subtle in the brains of adults than children, research suggests that hypothyroidism results in slower response times and impaired mental function (1). Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and constipation.
Pregnancy and lactation
Iodine requirements are increased in pregnant and breast-feeding women (see The RDA) (6). Iodine deficiency during pregnancy has been associated with increased incidence of miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects. Moreover, severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy may result in congenital hypothyroidism and neurocognitive deficits in the offspring (see Prenatal development) (6, 8). Iodine-deficient women who are breast-feeding may not be able to provide sufficient iodine to their infants who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of iodine deficiency (see Newborns and infants) (1). A daily prenatal supplement providing 150 mcg of iodine, as recommended by the American Thyroid Association (13), will help to ensure that U.S. pregnant and breast-feeding women consume sufficient iodine during these critical periods.
Because iodine deficiency results in increased iodine trapping by the thyroid, iodine-deficient individuals of all ages are more susceptible to radiation-induced thyroid cancer (see Disease Prevention) as well as to iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (see Safety) (1).
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Is Iodine (Iodoral) Safe While Breastfeeding?
March 27, 2009
tags: breast milk, increasing milk supply, Iodine, low milk production, Lugol's, Thyroid
by theCmom
Taking Supplemental Iodine While Breastfeeding
* Since there is a direct link between inadequate iodine in your body and a slow / low thyroid.
* AND a direct link between low milk supply and thyroid problems…
* And if Iodine has proven over and over again to increase the function of the thyroid….AND
* Adequate thyroid hormone is essential for initiating breast feeding.
* And all mammals need a full functioning thyroid to produce breastmilk
Then one might come to the conclusion that Iodine is not only safe while breastfeeding but probably a good thing to supplement with. You can always do an Iodine Loading Test to see what your Iodine levels are before blindly jumping in and supplementing with Iodine.
The thyroid hormone and thyroid gland together with iodine are the most important factors by far for completion of a normal pregnancy and normal baby. Iodine is put into the mother’s milk by the lactating breast to levels that are 30 times the levels in the mother’s blood (your body can only put iodine in your breast milk if you have enough to give). If you find that your thyroid has become sluggish and you have ‘low thyroid symptoms’ after having a baby…maybe your body if giving everything you have to your baby and leaving you with nothing left to operate your thyroid with. Iodine has very important functions in the child’s brain development after birth.
Iodine deficiency in pregnant or nursing mothers can lead to significant neurocognitive deficits in their infants.
“Lack of iodine for thyroid hormone formation during the fetal stage and/or the first years of life may lead to developmental brain damage,” write Peter Laurberg, from Aalborg Hospital in Denmark, and colleagues. “During the period of breastfeeding, thyroid function of the infant depends on iodine in maternal milk.”
The information that I have gathered above would lead me to believe that supplementing Iodine while pregnant and nursing is definitely a good thing. Especially when one realizes that chlorine (in our water) and bromine (in our breads/pastries) fight with Iodine for the same receptor sights in our body.
Did you know that if you are a smoker and your breastfeed, your milk has lower amount so of Iodine in it?
Jan. 23, 2004 — Smoking reduces the transport of iodine into breast milk, according to the results of a study published in the January issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
So, how much Iodine should you take? Well, different doctors say different things. the FDA says you hardly need any iodine in your diet – somewhere around 150-200 mcg. The doctors range in their opinions, ranging everywhere from what the FDA says to upwards of 50 mgs. (1,000 mcg = 1 mg). That is a HUGE difference in amounts needed. If you are truly concerned about your iodine needs, get Dr. David Brownstein’s book, “Iodine: Why you need it” and take Dr. Abraham’s Iodine Loading Test – note: I know that if you go through the Hakala Research Lab in Colorado, you will NOT need a doctor’s prescription for this test. Which is nice.
This could be the difference between being able to have milk for your baby and having to use formula fed through bottles…. Best of luck to you in this journey!
For another article, you can go here to read more: Iodine/Breastfeeding.