Re: Bowel Obstruction caused by roundworm/whipworm
If you are getting worms out daily, whatever you are already doing is working! I had been eating normally when my bowels stopped last year, it is strange when what goes in does not come out. So what are you doing to get them out so far?
I would eat maybe a cup and a half of fresh pineapple daily. I also took chewable papaya enzymes a couple of times daily.
I swallowed almost a bulb of garlic daily, taking it every 3-4 hours. I would either chop finely and just swallow it with water, or use a press and press the juices and pulp into a tablespoon of plain yogurt and swallow it. I never chewed the garlic, could not do that it would be awful. The yogurt was just a vehicle to get the garlic down, I do not think it had any effect. But I also took chewable probiotics at times. There is not really enough in yogurt to replenish your system I have read.
For the cloves I took ground spice rack cloves and put them in capsules and took one or two daily.
This is what worked for me last year. I was eliminating many worms daily and after a couple of months I felt cured. My stomach was flatter than it had been in 20 years and I had no symptoms. Also during this time I restricted mostly all sugar, and didn't eat much except high fiber and protein, some fruits and veggies.
This only lasted about 3.5 months, when I resumed normal eating (still healthy but not as restricted) and stopped the garlic, my stomach swelled and bowels started not working. So they obviously were not gone, just hybernating or something. I have been fighting it again ever since, but they must be immune to garlic because I get very few out these days. I just started grating onion and I am hoping that has some effect. Yesterday I ate 2/3 of a med-lg onion and my stomach flip flopped all night and the swelling is down 50% today. This really sucks but I'm not giving up because I want life to be normal again :)