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Re: Help one last time...
MENDOMAID Views: 1,666
Published: 14 y
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Re: Help one last time...

The three gluten sensitivities (see the Wikipedia article)

If a person is allergic to wheat they may also be allergic to closely related grains and other foods that contain shared antigens. The reaction usually occurs within an hour and whereever the allergin is on or in the body.

Autoimmune Celliac Disease/Celiac Sprue is a delayed reaction and in me it takes about 6 hours or more for the gluten to be digested and the protein gliadin to be broken down to small chains of amino acids. These gliadin gragments then bind to an antigen receptor site in lymphoid tissues and start off the production of autoantibodies. Some people react sooner but it is not clear if they also have an allergy to wheat. Besides reacting to ingested gluten I have also reacted to inhaled gluten.

Non-celiac sprue. In these people the gliadin (I think) destablizes the base of the villi in the small intestine. This is one of the causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome and multiple food sensitivities or allergies. People with Celiac Sprue can develop non-celiac sprue. I have not read any clear explaination of why people develop multiple chemical sensitivities. My opinion is that some of us lack the ability to detox chemicals because our detox systems have been damaged by overexposure or something that interfered with the detox systems in the liver.

I have been reading up on salicylate allergy/intolerance and noticed that the reactions are similar to Celiac Disease and also realized my basic diet consists of foods that have very little salicylates.



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