Re: S SuccesS StorieS S, Part 2
I respect what you are doing, but the problem I have with these "success stories" is what I continually say about all this candida stuff- these people are NOT healed, they are just managing their illness at best.
I see a lot of HOPE- people that have small improvements and HOPE they are going to get better.
I mean, this quote is taken directly from a success story: "I'm not 100% normal. I still can't eat refined carbs. But I know someday soon I can."
That's not a cure!
I still maintain that candida is an issue of immune suppression which is why most never get better.
Just through chelation, I can eat cake and cookies again without any further symptoms if I want...that has nothing to do with a strict diet,
Liver Flushes or the typical stuff that is viewed as needed to fix candida.
I wouldn't want to be called a success story because I still have a ways to go. But using the standard that some of these people are success stories, then I'm cured...