MSM -getting no real effect
I have been taking msm for about 6 weeks+ now.
I started with about 2grams/day then 5grams/day then 10grams/day then 20grams/day - split up in portions one at beginning and one toward end of day, then I went to 25grams/day. I am looking to keep upping the amount until I get to 80grams/day - split in to four lots.
I don't feel ill, better, don't look better, once I took it right before bed and I slept like normal like a baby straight away. The only vague improvement - very small - that I might be able to detect is that my nails are a little bit whiter looking after the 5wk mark..
The msm I have is pure msm manufactured in Australia. It dissolves very easily in water and there is no floating residue so pretty sure it is pure.
Does anybody have any clue as to why I am not getting any effects? Or has anyone else had this (non) effect or heard of anyone who has experienced this??