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cancer herbs from hoxsey clinic & bio medical
chuck Views: 4,883
Published: 23 y

cancer herbs from hoxsey clinic & bio medical

My friends mother just died after a long bout with cancer. She went to the Hoxsey clinic for treatment but think she was too far gone for it to help her. She did make a recovery for awhile from the treatment.Anyway my freind still has about four bottles of the Hoxsey formula left and a bottle of bio medical formula. I know what is in the Hoxsey formula but don't know what is in the bio.

If someone is in need of this and does not have the money too get it I could ship it to them for just the shipping cost. I hate to see it go to waste if it can help someone. I know it is expensive stuff so if it helps someone that does not have money for treatment then that would be cool.



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