Dry fasting and EYES
I'd like people's feedback on this question, plase.
I am fairly new to dry fasting but over the past few months I have done several. Only once did I do as long as 72 hours; that fast gave me no problems or symptoms, but certainly did not yield any results at all in terms of healing or improved health or improved anything.
Twice now I have cut dry fasts short at a few hours over 24 because my eye has started to hurt and has gone bloodshot. I have one eye only and cannot afford to go blind or to do more damage to the eye I have, which is already in poor health. I might also add that I am chronically dehydrated and that I do dry fasts mainly because I am forced to do so, having severe allergic reactions to any liquids or solids most of the time.
Other dry fasts have not resulted in pain and poblem in my eye, but the last one I tried did. I broke it with an ounce or two of water taken over a half-hour; the pain and redness in my eye went away, but I urinated out much more liquid than I had taken in. This causes me to wonder whether the eye problem was detox-related rather than dehydration-related, and whether it would have resolved if I had had the courage (or foolishness) to wait a few more hours. My eye is naturally a site of weakness in my body, so it is natural that some detox should concentrate there; however, I must say that there are more pressing, life-or-death sites for healing and detox to occur in before such a relatively minor one as my eye. I feel ambivalent about whether the pain and bloodshot are signs of detox/healing or alarming danger signs that my eye is drying out and getting damaged.
I must say that I do not want to (as the saying is) "play around" with my sight or the ultimate health of my eye, especially since I do not RE-hydrate well, sinceI urinate out everything I drink instantly. So if I "dried my eye out", it would not be a sure thing that I could ever re-fluidize it.
But because the condition "got better" hen I had so little water, instantly urinated out in more copious amount than I had even taken in, I aslo have my doubts that what happened is that my eye got dehydrated and close to damage and then I saved it by drinking some water.
I have read online about a person's 3-day DF in which he waited overnight and the great pain in his eyes was better in the morning, which in that instance seems to indicate that detox was going on.
I should like to hear from anyone who has persevered in a dry fast when they eyes have been hurting or looking red, and whether this got better; and whether the eyes perhaps functioned better after such an episode and after the fast! This would give me more courage about fasting through eye pain in my own case!
Thank you very much,