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Re: Potassium Supplements
J649 Views: 4,253
Published: 14 y
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Re: Potassium Supplements

Potassium tablets and capsules can damage the digestive system. If you must take a potassium supplement, then get a powder and mix it with plenty of water before drinking it. Having said that, people with adrenal fatigue usually have a high potassium to sodium ratio and need to avoid getting too much potassium, and take extra sodium(don't overdo it though). If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables(I suggest limiting or avoiding fruit due to all the Sugar in it) you will get plenty of potassium from them. Dairy products also have plenty of potassium. Licorice root mainly has the effect of bringing low blood pressure closer to normal, but as long as someone already doesn't have high blood pressure, and they keep their licorice root intake at a reasonable level(I usually drink two cups or less of the tea per day), then you shouldn't worry too much about the licorice root making blood pressure too high.


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