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Video Embedded EDITED 2nd video Is "‘Hum" some form of "machine"/programming code? what character did you type in it's place?
been there done that Views: 4,529
Published: 14 y
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EDITED 2nd video Is "‘Hum" some form of "machine"/programming code? what character did you type in it's place?

Years ago, I wrote a post here at CZ and used the "ampersand" (&) in the body of the post AND once in the title of the post. When the symbol was used in the TITLE of the post, it would automatically be changed after posting to "&andampersand" (as far as I remember), but it didn't change in the body/text of the post.

It turns out that the ampersand symbol is part of ASCII code.

The original ASCII code is obsolete and now the EXTENDED ASCII is used. Ten years ago, you could still find some keyboards that would also use the old scancode (characters, letters, and symbols would be ASCII), they would have a small switch on the back in order to change to the new 101 key keyboard scan code.

Look at the bottom of the next page (not just at the top).

...but I don't think that the symbol you get is ASCII, I think it might be a "geotag" (NOT SURE).

This first video contains only music for the audio but shows the distance capabilities of geotag search.

Look on youtube and wikipedia to see if there's anything you can recognize.

Also look at your files system for that symbol or any GPS coordinates. D.O.S. was good for looking at your files using the "type" command, but modern Windows only has PARTIAL DOS, not FULL DOS (maybe boot into DOS by pressing "F8" and going into "SAFE MODE").

If you boot into Windows, you'll only be able to see the files that are not being used by Windows at that time.

If you are using "Windows 98", you'll still have a chance to use DOS almost completely and I will be able to show you how to use it (easy).The video uptop only shows the far-reaching international reaches of the geotag, but there is also a downside that can be illegitimate, and even covert.



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