Re:There are no aborted Humans in Vaccines
Very melodramatic, and emotional, but wrong.
Cell lines from aborted foetuses, (although whether these foetuses were electively or naturally aborted, is unknown, because stillborn and miscarried foetuses are termed aborted, as well as foetuses that are electively aborted), were used in research, and so what?
Human DNA is everywhere and inside every one of us, even DNA that is not our own, you drink and breath in the DNA of dead humans every day. This argument that somehow this is dangerous is ridiculous.
Do you have any proof that cosmetics use freshly aborted foetuses? (please quote from credible web sites).
The good thing is that you have a choice whether you want to vaccinate or not, no-one is forcing you to do something against your will. If you choose not to vaccinate, then you are responsible for any harm that is caused through contracting a preventable disease. People should also be responsible for any harm they inflict on those that are too young to be vaccinated, and contract a preventable disease from an unvaccinated person, and I'm hoping there will be a change in the laws of my country, to make people responsible in these cases.