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Re: Nother simple deelish fruit juice
megan Views: 2,644
Published: 14 y
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Re: Nother simple deelish fruit juice

i understand where you're coming from with gaining total health and big picture. i've tried a lot of things. diet has been one of the most important for me. and juicing/gerson therapy. although must admit, the stones i had in my liver/gallbladder made doing Liver Flushes also one of the most important things i did, improved my state of health at that time (which it was very poor) quite a bit.

but i digress. anyway, i was curious about the plaque because Colon Cleanses aren't the way for me, i wondered if indeed people have seen it on extended juice fasts. and wondered from people not selling something (i know there are those in the raw food community that say things, but i wanted to know from someone not into it for their business). but my reasons for juice fasting aren't just about plaque. although, some say this is one of the key areas if you are to heal.

well, it's interesting for me. thanks for your posts. if i can get my life less chaotic this summer, i hope to juice fast too.



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