I can't say "specifically" if it will remove plaque. I view things more form a total health perspective. There are no isolated issues. Everything works as a whole. I believe that is where most folks miss the boat. We have been so conditioned by the magic cure syndrome of modern medicine that even on health sites like this folks are still looking for that one herb or that one protocol to fix a particular ailment and I contend that that is just a temporary fix. Some folks wanna do a series of liver flushes or colon cleanses while still eating at Mc Donalds.
I suggest you look at the bigger picture of total health and approach a juice feast from that perspective. If you have specific issues with blockages in your colon then you can do a number of colonics or enemas while feasting. Actually enemas are recommended but since I have been regular my whole life and I just don't resonate with the idea of sticking a hose in my butt daily. I use the Master Cleanse protocol of Laxative tea and SWF.