Gates trying to build a stairway to Heaven?
But he is part of the NWO trying to keep us down.
Oh, of that I have absolutely no doubt. Gates, who has unscrupulously beaten down and gobbled up his competition on the way up, is one of the wealthiest NWO elite, a Bilderberger/CFR favorite and is heavily associated with the Rockefeller eugenics movement - though they couch it in more paletteable terms these days.
Google "Bill Gates eugenics" and see what comes up.
Insofar as Gates helping kids - I wonder if that is not akin to trying to buy a stairway to Heaven? The mafiosos have also been great contributors to churches and charities, but that has not washed the blood or stench of their crimes off their hands.
Having said that, it would be great to see money which goes to poor developing nations spent on better nutrition, clean potable water and better overall sanitation to prevent the spread of disease. Much better than just jabbing poor undernourished children and peoples with vaccines which contain carcinogens, mutagens, spermicides and more.