"Homeopathic" Cold-Eeze
That's the problem, you have to "believe" homeopathy works. But Cold-Eeze just might work - and not because it's "homeopathic".
Cold-Eeze and its cousin Zircam are labeled as "homeopathic" but they only have the very smallest association with homeopathy in comparison with classic Hahnemann homeopathic principles. The dilutions of the zinc gluconate and/or zinc acetate are only 2x (diluted 1/100) or even 1x (diluted 1/10) where the vast majority of homeopathic remedies are in the range of 60C to 200C dilutions. Yes, I would agree that Cold-Eeze and Zircam are diluted, just like other homeopathic products. And perhaps they have been prepared with some sort of succussion ritual.
Here's the kicker - Cold-Eeze and Zircam DO contain potentially bioactive substances at very low dilutions that COULD have an effect on the common cold. A cursory review of PubMed shows the evidence to be equivocal with variable conclusions as to efficacy. In the traditional homeopathic product, beyond 12C dilution, Avagadro's number calculations preclude that there is even a single molecule of the original substance in the preparation, this is molecular chemistr fact. Über-theoretical physics hypotheses like the "structural memory of water" are continually repeated in the mantras of homeopathic apologists while everything else they say is blatantly anti-science. The homeopathic community has been almost universally obstructive or dismissive of even the concept of high quality large scale randomized controlled trials as a more credible alternative to “proving”.
Quigley (Cold-Edze) and Matrixx (Zircam) know a good profit opportunity when they see one. Their web pages are quite flashy and friendly with loads of anecdotal "testimonials" and only positive research studies posted. They have co-opted homeopathy labeling as a brilliant marketing scheme. These products are incredibly cheap to manufacture, highly profitable, and, thanks to the DSHEA of 1994, they don’t even have to be tested for efficacy or patient safety. No need to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in staged FDA clinical trials to bring a product to market!
Perhaps I can comment at a another time about oscillococcinum, I just don’t have the time it would require right now.