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drugs [ABZ, Ivermectin and Prazi] have not worked for me....
  Views: 896
Published: 14 y

drugs [ABZ, Ivermectin and Prazi] have not worked for me....

have taken these drugs since last September for five whole treatment cycles each, duration between 14 to 21 days on each cycle, but none of them have worked, in fact they have increased the roundworm and/or Tapeworm activity and their reproduction.

now I'm going back to herbals and would like to know if freeze-dried green/black walnut [capsule form] is really effective for a disseminated [systemic] infestation in the soft/subcutaneous tissues?

would the green walnut have an effect throughout the body tissues and what is green walnut's mechanism on these parasites, how does it work?

also is Co10 effective systemically against roundworms too as I know it works for tapeworms?

apologise for all these questions, but I need quick answers from those who have experience of taking these herbals/supplements for their systemic infections.

thanks in advance!


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