WOW! So much wonderful information...thank you! This will help me and others immensely!
I need to really plan this out. TBH, I don't want my kids to know. Nowadays, if you mention fasting people automatically think eating disorder/anorexia. I don't know...I just don't want my 11 yo daugther and 14 yo son to worry or to get weird ideas. I believe that fasting is normal and healthy...I believe it can be pro-health actually. I just don't know how to do this around my family.
I really want to though. For whatever reason I was nauseous last night, so I haven't eaten today. I could easily make this my day one! I so want to do this.
What does everyone else think? How do you fast with a family? How do you do this without everyone worrying about you? I hate the idea of lying, but don't know how to do with without some level of deceit.