Excellent post. There are many things to give Candida a hard battle but it looks like to be a very strong enemy. I already forgot how many things I have tried. I think one of the biggest problem , if not the biggest, is cell penetration by the fungus. There aren't effective oral fungicidal availables. Nystatin and oral Amp B are fungicidal but they don't cross the ephitelium. The intracellular version is a not growing infection but still produces metabolic waste and toxins able to keep the lining inflammated. That inflammation is what cause cell gaps and leaky gut, food intolerances , allergies, and a chain of intestinal problems. We need an effective fungicidal antifungal circulating in blood to reach the infected cells and kill the intracellular fungal cell. Could be an Echinocandin ?? I don't know. It must be IV since the Echinocandins are poor absorbed by the ephitelium in the same way Nystatin is. Probably, that is the reason why the pharma has not created oral versions.