Intant nausea from the garlic is something I experienced just before I started this program. It's a good sign your colon and liver, both, are needing some work. I had to back off it for a while until my colon and liver were opened up a bit. Garlic is excellent for killing parasites, though as is cayenne pepper.
The flu-like symptoms are from the microbial paraistes, so using a zapper to kill them off is what we recommend. I have Ken Presner's zapper--google The Ultimate Zapper. That's a good, tough, machine that holds up well and works well. Find others on the Clark website, on e-bay or other places on the web, or just use a 9 volt battery explained on this forum. Put a search in the white box above.
The other aches and pains are a toxic body that will happen for a while but will subside the more you get the body cleaned out.