Re: libdo decrease temporarily????
Hypo T can affect the sexua| performance.
I didnt have the good happenings until I went over 50 mg of
Iodine daily; between 50-100 mg was the right level for me (I am 60 kilos)
How much boron does she take?
"Boron is essential for oestrogen production, and can have a rapid effect in helping menopausal women. Sex drive may return within just a few days sometimes after it has been absent for years, and a rapid reduction in hot flushes. Minerals and trace-elements get to the ‘bottom of things’ so to speak, they are often the missing link and can be extremely effective. Boron raises the level of natural sex hormones in the body, and so would eliminate the need for HRT or Hormone replacement therapy states Dr. Newnham. Zinc is also important for sex hormones for both sexes."
Yes zinc are important to; for the sexua| stamina, hormones, enzymes etc. Vitamin E works with zinc.
"she just turned 40 and she is a little afraid that she going downhill now...."
- No, dont worry; our 40ies can be our peak season; but if the body is not ok the sexua| energy is the first to go.