This is good info for me too. My ulcer started screaming last night again and ended up in my recliner on my heating pad for several hours until the pain finally stopped. I ate half a banana and didn't know what else to try beyond that, since eating seems to make it feel better. I BELIEVE it's an ulcer because the pain is in the stomach in the same place and radiates outward from there. No clue what 'sets it off'.
I have mastic gum and plan to start using it regularly until this heals! Would licorice powder be a better option tho? Where would I find that? Could I take both or would that be overkill?
I recommend both mastic and licorice root. Both help to eradicate H. pylori and the licorice root would be a better choice in case the issue is gastritis rather than an ulcer.
You can find licorice root in any health food store or we have it on our website. It is a very common herb. Keep in mind that there are different species. "American" licorice root (G. glabra) is slightly stimulating, while "Chinese" licorice root (G. uralensis) is calming. We carry the Chinese licorice root in powder.