Re: Hi Jax, just returning your posted email!!
Yeah the message I've sent earlier was a typo. I meant to say that you were the person who tried all these remedies that supposedly cured other people of their fecal odor. I actually do have a lot questions, and I think we both might have the same disorder.
Body Odor gets worse whenever I eat or drink anything with sugar(refined) and dairy.But, you said earlier that your
Body Odor doesn't get worse but it changes odor. I do believe some of these remedies work, but you have to work it in conjunction of a restrictive diet, you could take all these supplements at the same time but it won't do any good if you're still eating the food that makes you smell (trust me, I'm well aware of it).
So I guess the more important question is what does your diet look like? Also, have you ever thought that your
Body Odor is maybe a result from a metabolic disorder? TMAU is the most known metabolic disorder that produces body odor yet they're plenty of others out there. When you have a metabolic disorder, your body is not able to break down certain foods(or more like proteins and sugars), these undigested substances will then get dumped into your small intestines which then gets excreted out your skin, lungs, and I think breath. This is similar to eating too much garlic, the body can't break down a certain chemical in the garlic so it then gets excreted out the skin. So that's one of my theories of what's wrong with me and this maybe something that's wrong with you. Sorry for the long message, I just wanted to know what you've been eating while taking these supplements