Reacting to some meats, not others; new foods; teeth getting worse; plans.
Well I'm feeling pretty cynical right now.
I started feeling really mentally confused and bizarre yesterday pretty badly. Out of desperation I decided to try eating an egg yolk. I ate about a third of an egg yolk raw.
Man it tasted good.
I didn't react too badly at all with the blood
Sugar problem, but it was a risk in that regard and because I am pretty sure I'm allergic to eggs.
Today I started feeling mentally strange again strongly, so I ate an entire egg yolk with my chicken. It helped a little, and again no blood
Sugar problem. The mental problem came back after awhile so I ate another egg yolk with my very next meal. Again I was good as far as hypoglycemia. Some mild allergic reactions though, like a few small hives and some mild stomach pains.
It seems I might be able to eat eggs now, which I'm pretty happy about. I need more vitamins before I lose it completely.
In the evening I decided to try eating some lamb meat and see if I can eat it without issue. I ate just one small piece with my usual meal of chicken. And no, I can't eat it.
I felt like crap the whole time even into the next meal. My blood
Sugar didn't raise sufficiently. And it just kept dropping and dropping. It got to dropping down out of the low 60s, so I ate a bunch of chicken, and I still feel like crap. Headache, etc. Still feel like it's low, even though it's not, but it might still be dropping. Sometimes it takes several meals of "safe foods" before my blood sugar stabilizes.Hopefully it does stabilize because I need sleep.
Pisses me off. That's the lowest its gone since the sardines the other day, which I also reacted to badly.
It doesn't make sense how I react to some meats but not others.
I react to salmon, sardines, lamb. They all drop my blood sugar pretty hard, after not raising it sufficiently.
The only thing I can eat at this point is chicken (thighs) and now eggs.
Beef is still off the table for now, due to an allergy I developed to it.
I don't know why that happens though. PuppetMaster suggested it was because the meat is lean, but I don't think that's it because I eat canned chicken sometimes for the extra salt, and it is virtually fat-free and I don't react to it.
But I'll react to salmon, sardines, and now lamb even if I eat only one spoonful of it, in a big meal of two chicken thighs, a few spoonfuls of canned chicken, and chicken fat/broth.
Anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening? It's extremely bothersome. It's because of things like this I don't like changing up what I eat every meal.
On my "things to try to eat" list are:
- tuna
- pork
- seaweeds
- butter
- pistachios
- parsley
- lettuce
- brocolli
Hopefully something on there is a winner, although I am almost 99% sure the vegetation on there is already a fool's chance for working out. I'm getting tired of this crap. Being scared of food, being unable to eat even though I have malnutrition and am starving sometimes.
On another note, my teeth have been getting worse and worse the past few months, thanks to poor diet. I've never had a cavity my whole life and have always taken care of my teeth, but now they're getting all messed up. The front bottom ones especially. I just brushed my teeth and a layer of enamel just flaked off the bottom tooth. Really sensitive now. Gumlines all receded. Ridiculous.
Tomorrow I'm going to get thiamin, niacinamide, and pyridoxine to try adding to my supplementation, which, as of right now, consists of 50mg of magnesium citrate a day and a tip-of-a-toothpick's amount of pantethine every other day on average.
I have selenomethionine and
Lugol's Iodine sitting here, and I think I'm going to start that too. These doctors are somewhat idiotic and I can't keep holding off on some of this stuff to wait for them to agree on ordering the right tests.