Re: Getting stuck in overdrive, swinging blood sugars, improved fasting hypoglycemia...
All things in moderation...even for a healthy person. However, you are not healthy, so you can handle even less than a normal person. The dopamine/epiniphrine surge is very hard on you
If you continue to spank the monkey, especially to p 0 r n, your AF will only get worse. There is not much point in avoiding coffee and chocolate if you are using your penis to create a stimulatory affect that is many times more powerful.
Even Dr Lam told me at critical times during my recover "No Sex". So yeah....sexual activity is draining.
During periods when I do have the energy & libido to have sex with my wife, I don't let myself orgasm either. It actually builds bonds.
The only orgasms I have no are wet dreams !
And again, using p 0 r n takes your mind down a path were you respect women less and less as humans, they become objects.
I use various techniques to turn me off of p 0 r n. For example...consider that a very high percentage of women in the p 0 r n industry were likely sexually abused when they were young. Sexually abused girls are more promiscuous.
So I try to think of these poor girls or young women as having been victimized. This helps me humanize them again and not treat them as objects. I'm still working on this technique ! I need to re-wire a brain that used p 0 r n for ~20 years. It will take some time.
We are each on our own path. Look into it a bit yourself and come to your own conclusions.