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Re: Dr Larry Wilson's Protocol

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

waterlily0770 Views: 6,968
Published: 14 y
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Re: Dr Larry Wilson's Protocol

I'm on the program too and am fascinated by it. I haven't come across anything that deals with the body as a "whole system" like that (rather than treating symptoms or just individual glands or organs).

I was a 4 high pattern and that is a tough pattern and 4 highs usually push themselves and when on the program they crash before they start to feel better and that did happen to me.

I had a tough time with the first few months of the program as I started to feel how tired I really was. I think I was also dumping a lot of copper. I was frustrated because I was gaining weight even though I was eating better.

I thought the weight gain and feeling crappy were related totally to the program but then I realized I had stopped all the stimulants I was taking and that was why I was feeling so bad- I was getting off of my addictions.

Anyway, I had a major dark chocolate addiction as well as having a shake every morning that had natural caffeine (kola nut) as well as other 'natural" stimulants. I also was taking a chinese herbal stimulant. I had lots of energy but none of it true energy.

Bottom line is I hit a low and now things are starting to get better. My energy is true energy and I'm not taking any stimulants (although I must admit that was a tough one for me and every so often still feel tempted....)


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