Day 5 and am enjoying the clear headedness. My energy is starting to pick up.
I haven't needed to do the swf this time around (so far, may chage later on)am pooping (you know what I mean) a lot - maybe because I'm walking 2 hours a day, on average - minimum.
I like your idea of putting mint in the lemonade. I haven't gotten sick of it (I miss it when I'm not on the cleanse) but some good suggestions, if I should.
I (grudgingly) sucked it up and paid way too much money for the Tazo refresh tea bags (spearmint & peppermint). Having said that, I really feel like I'm having a treat every time I have a cup, so we'll see how long I can make 'em last. I do have peppermint in the yard, but I like the combo.