Re: What to start culter protocol
Yes. It's possible you have a mercury problem without having silver fillings, especially if your body is extremely poor at removing metals. Your mother could have given you your first dose while you were still a fetus and on from there, slowly building up until you feel sick.
You might also consider that you have a different heavy metal causing your problems. Lead is a likely candidate, but there are others.
DMSA would help with lead in addition to mercury (I'm not 100% sure about its effects on other possible metals).
I think it wouldn't hurt you to try DMSA to see how you feel. Of course, if it's working, you will likely feel worse for a time. It took me 6 months of cleansing before I felt noticeably better.
You might also consider having a heavy metals test done. As long as you get the right kind of test (a challenge test) and view the results with skepticism, it could help you know what you're dealing with.