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Spud hit the nail on the head
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Spud hit the nail on the head


Subject:   Re: Moderator - question?

Username:   spudlydoo     contact spudlydoo     email spudlydoo
Date:   5/8/2011 10:02:24 PM   

IMO, It is biased because the others that were engaging in the same behaviour, were not banned, and are still posting.

As you are a follower of ML, your position is already compromised in favour of those promoting this theory and protocol IMO.

Have you emailed the others involved to tell them to temper their behaviour?

ROTFLMAO , lol etc are not taunting, it is an indication that the poster finds the information laughable. I use both of these acronyms in posts many times, to indicate my amusement, why should Hv be banned for doing the same.

As for name calling, it is never warranted, but if you are going to scold one poster for this, it needs to be balanced by taking the same action with all posters who do this.

Several of your own posts to Hv in the thread below, I see as baiting, but as you moderate this forum, and the ML "gang" agree with your posts, nothing will be done about this.


Spud is 100% correct in her post.  Grz is highly biased in part because I have presented evidence proving him wrong on statements he made time and time again.  He is a follower of the Moreless protocol, which I have pointed out dangers to.  When Grz has repeatedly told me I was wrong on statements I made I came back with proof to the contrary.  Here is a recent example of a response I posted in response to Grz's insults against me in violation of TOS and misinformation he presented:

Note I mentioned Grz's insults in violation of TOS.  This has been a repetitive problem with Grz and well as some other moderators I have dealt with here on CZ.  They think that if their insults are subtle that they do not count.  But insults are insults just like TOS violations are TOS violations no matter how subtle they are.

In fact, the post that Spud is responding about was full of TOS violations by the moderator who banned me, who just happens to be Grz:

What is really ironic is that Grz posted in this post the rules and what constitutes TOS:

">>"You hereby acknowledge that egoistical, arrogant, egocentric or unfriendly use of CureZone Forums and Blogs may result in termination of your access to CureZone. You are welcome to CureZone only if you are willing to share non-personal information and opinions with other CureZone users."<<


>>"You agree to not use the Service to:

* "stalk", "annoy", "irritate" or otherwise harass CureZone members

* "stalk", "annoy", "irritate", "attack", "accuse", "threaten", "abuse", "defame", "harm" or otherwise harass CureZone moderators

* harm minors in any way;

* make available any content that is hateful, abusive, harassing, offensive, threatening, defamatory, libelous, harmful, vulgar, obscene, unlawful or otherwise objectionable

So in Grz's singling me out for his attacks and making me the target for other people who support his views to attack me, in a tag team fashion as Grz puts it,  shows Grz was clearly violating TOS.  In fact it was not that long ago that the Webmaster was clearly stating that it was a violation to make posts about an individual you agree with instead of the topic of the forum.  Being that Grz has REPEATEDLY violated TOS by harassing and attacking me simply because he does not believe in proven science he has become the "caustic" or "acidic" person he has accused me of and needs to ban himself permanently from the Acid/Alkaline forums  to be fair.  While he is at it he should also permanently ban the other "acidic" posters such as Wombat, who has also repeatedly posted harassing comments about me on multiple forums including the WM forum. The fact that Grz has not done this clearly shows that the reason for banning me was biased since the antagonizers on the forum, including himself, are still posting on the board.

Another thing that I find interesting is that I was the only person on the Acid/Alkaline forum that was discussing balance.  But every time I discussed how the body balances its pH I was attacked, including by Grz.  So I went to Acid/Alkaline Debate forum to discuss how the body really maintains its pH balance.  But since I was not discussing the Moreless protocol or other ways to alkalinize I was attacked again by Grz and others, then banned for not sharing their belief that over alkalinizing is safe!!!

So again, Spud hit the nail right on the head when she pointed out how banning Grassman and myself was biased.  People are not allowed to discuss acid/alkaline balance here on CZ.  Only alkalinizing principles, even if means creating a dangerous state of alkalosis or drinking caustic hydroxide drinks instead of maintaining a healthy and proper pH.




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