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udoknowjac Views: 1,776
Published: 14 y


I wanted to get some thoughts on probiotics. I read a few posts from Uny and I believe I am correct in saying that she does not think probiotics in pill form are beneficial. If we need probiotics in one post she stated “naturally fermented foods contain all the probiotics we need, IF we actually need them…” and that seems to be what most others on the forum recommend as well. A quote I read which I think was taken from Schultze stated “you maintain a proper intestinal flora, which is done by taking sauerkraut, yogurt, acidophilus culture, or rejuvelac” and I also saw a post from someone which mentioned raw cultured vegetables like kim chi, raw sauerkraut and kombucha tea.

My issue is that I am not doing any of those things so I am wondering if I am getting the probiotics in my system that I need. The one thing I do is milk kefir. I am drinking milk kefir made with raw milk but only a small amount each day. Perhaps ¼ cup to ½ cup but I am trying to increase it. I don’t think milk kefir alone would contain everything I need so I am not sure what other things I could do.

I do not think I can eat sauerkraut,cabbage or kim chi. Maybe there are some fermented veggies that are simple to make that I could try? I don't know what the taste is like but I might be willing to test it out. I tried to do water kefir but was not able to get it right. With the water kefir there seems to be a bit of maintenance and I am not sure if I could keep up with milk and water kefir each day. I do like Kombucha tea but I don't know what goes into making it. Like the kefirs does it have to be kept up with daily?

So unless there are probiotic benefits to my juice or any of my natural products I am not sure if I am getting what I need for my health. Even though I have done some research on the forum as you can tell I am still really confused by probiotics. I am not sure how to figure out what, if anything, you need to have, how much you need to have and where to get it.

To get the probiotics we need does it take several different sources such as milk kefir, water kefir, fermented veggies, sauerkraut, cabbage, kombucha etc or is there a simple way to get what I need? Is there a pill, tincture, superfood or something like that I could take? As you can probably tell I am looking for the easy way. Things are just a bit rough for me right now and if I could find a simple way, maybe doing one or two things it would be much better at least for a little bit. I know that sounds very lazy but with how I feel each day it is difficult for me to even keep up with all the items I have on my plan now. So if I could pop a pill, drink something or anything simple like that it would be great.

Sorry for the long post. I hope it is not too confusing! I appreciate any thoughts you might have or any ideas from your own life.

With much gratitude,


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