1. Yes, you should add one IF#1 each day until you achieve 1 bowel movement for every major meal you eat.
Some find it helpful to spread out their IF#1's by taking one with a meal during the day instead of all at once with their evening meal. (I include more information on IF# & IF#2 in item 2)
Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared... [Unyquity]
Ashwaganda -- Links Page
Re: Uny, Do you have anything for anemia?
The Yellow Dock/combination Tea is fantastic...also the Blackstrap Molasses (1T 3x daily).
If you've been taking the Blackstrap 3x daily like a good girl (:::grin:::), that would be plenty of iron for most.
On the other hand, there is a strong correlation between anemia & liver compromise...so getting to those liver cleanses, flushes & CE's should definitely be on your 'to do' list (if they're not on your 'already done & continuing' list).
You are planning to juice, so here is some information on the CARROT and anemia: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1638486#i
Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices - What's Missing in the Body (1978)[edited]
Some other possible considerations for anemia can be found in this post from Unyquity:
Natural Healing thoughts (edit)- Re: Green poop?
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse - Coffee Enemas http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1613660#i
2. Here is some information about taking IF#1 & IF#2 and juicing fasting:
remember - with this protocol EVERYTHING works together. Likely/typically the reason for 'horrible heartburn' when juice fasting, is that the digestive tract slows down substantially - and less 'downward flow' means even more gas pushing upward (especially the gas from the layers of putrefying mucoid plaque). This is remedied by the use if IF#1/#2 (the IF#1 gets you going and keeps/increases the outward/downward flow and the IF#2 provides the bulk to keep things moving).
Then there's the issue of detoxing (and all the nasty symptoms that go along with it) IF#1/IF#2 to the rescue again. It is IMPERATIVE when fasting (any kind) to ensure daily bowel activity to help remove the vast amount of toxins that are being released (that's the IF#1) - then the IF#2 (better yet) contains both activated charcoal AND bentonite clay. Both of these substances aDsorb (not absorb) toxins & heavy metals. Adsorption is a electro-magnetic "pull" to itself - and this pull is SO strong/effective that it will actually pull poisons & heavy metals out of your bloodstream/tissues and into the digestive tract/itself, to be safely pooped away :) YAY! Everytime I've ever juice fasted I've always used IF#2 (I don't need IF#1) - and the time before last (30 day fast) on day 17 I thought "I'll just stop the IF#2 for a couple of days to do some serious liver work & coffee enemas, that way I won't have to deal with all the 'fiber'". Well, well, WELL, within 24 hours my tongue was 'marshmallow white' (no kidding, absolutely NO pink to be seen), I had a raging headache and my emotions were like a drill sargeant with rabies! And within an hour or two of taking a double dose of IF#2, I felt 75%+ better :)
Here is a link to the whole post:
Re: some "juicing questions"... and others [Unyquity] http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1441727#i
Here are some links containing information of Juicing:
Juicing Links Page
Superfood "Recipe" and more.. LINKS http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1664125#i
3. YES, you want to be taking the IF#2 BEFORE and DURING parasite cleansing. I have already given you the link to this information in this post: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1807448#i, but I will add it here with some of its information.
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse - Parasites http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1614909#i
Why should I cleanse my colon WHILE ALSO PARASITE KILLING? What we also know? It's time to do a full 30 day parasite & colon cleanse!!! Doing a parasite cleanse without doing a simultaneous DEEP colon cleanse...not like colonics, or oxypowders, or weeny lil', ineffective "5 days cleanses...is a major waste of time & money! Everybody that hasn't done a thorough, deep colon cleanse (and regular maintenance cleanses) has a thick layer of putrid, rotting/degrading, rubbery build-up (commonly referred to as "mucoid plaque") throughout their colons. And this is the MAIN feeding, breeding and hiding place of parasites. If you take parasite herbs without disturbing and cleansing out this layer of junk, the parasites will just burrow into it to get away from the parasite herbs. Oh yeah, you'll kill some, but you'll likely never get to the root of the problem without doing a deep cleanse at the same time.
The time to parasite cleanse is during colon cleansing & liver flushing....and then anytime there's parasites once the elimination channels are open. The critters feed, breed & hide in the mucoid plaque, crevices & 'diverticulitis bubbles' in the intestines. Anybody that claims you can successfully eradicate critters (by just using herbs) without doing deep & thorough colon cleansing (to eliminate their main source of food, housing, breeding grounds AND their MAIN place to hide from killing herbs)...either makes a LOT of money selling parasite herbs, or is pretty dull.
The rubbery 'mucoid plaque' than lines our intestinal tract (particularly the lower colon) is THE feeding, breeding & hiding grounds of the majority of parasites. This should ALWAYS be the 'baseline' and first thing to address (along with the vermicide & vermifuge herbs)……. Let's define vermicide & vermifuge. A vermicide is something that KILLs parasites (think homicide); a vermifuge is something that either expels parasites, or makes it so very uncomfortable for them that they find their own exit. If you opt to do the IP (which I strongly agree you should), then we will customize it so that your entire body becomes one very strong vermifuge (a place where critters will be BEGGING to exit).
Regarding parasite cleansing...it doesn't take much searching on CZ to realize that 100s/1000s of people spend months/years doing various protocols and still end up not wiping them out. This is mostly because they don't get the parasite herbs into the main feeding, breeding and hiding places...and that's DEEP within the layers of junk and diverticuli in the lower colon. And without ensuring several bowel movements daily, any new eggs aren't flushed how (they have plenty of time to embed into the mucoid plaque and start developing. Then there's the issue with tinctures...yes, they do get into the bloodstream immediately, BUT what about the critters that are buried in the inside of the colon in the mucoid plaque. The blood that runs through the actual tissue of the colon that has the parasite herbs in it will kill the parasites it comes into contact with...but that doesn't affect the ones it doesn't touch,
What is the cleanse cycle for this protocol? You will be wanting to take (maximum strength) 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs 3x daily. So in 3 of the 5 doses of IF#2 (the deep colon cleanser), you would add 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs. That's how you use the dry/ground herbs.
For the Unyworm liquid, in order it to be MOST effective, it needs to have your own Cayenne powder and fresh/raw garlic and raw/organic apple cider vinegar added (ACV = apple cider vinegar). We call this the "Apple Cider Vinegar Bomb". You'll be doing this 3x daily. To make the "ACV Bomb":
1 tablespoon of raw organic ACV; 1 tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses (or raw local honey); one dose of cayenne top-grade therapeutic cayenne powder (the goal is one teaspoon, but you'll start at 1/8 teaspoon per dose and work up from there); 1-2 cloves of raw garlic (minced), and one teaspoon of Unyworm liquid. Do this three times daily (on an empty stomach before meals is most effective). By the way, Dr. Christopher's standard/healthy daily diet includes all of the above without the parasite herbs - so this is something we ALL should be doing daily anyway (ACV, cayenne, garlic, blackstrap/honey.
Yes, there ARE easier "parasite programs", but it's HIGHLY doubtable that any could ever be as effective as this! http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1572726#i
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