Yep, I've got a big time candida problem now.
Hey all,
So.. back after a short 'break'. I have stopped eating fruit and
Sugar and am on the veg/meat/potato kick.
The anxiety and all is much better, but I'm still having
food reactions with everything I eat it seems.
My tongue has now started going white and furry. I can't sleep through the night, as I'm up every few hours peeing.
I go from being completely fine moreorless, eating, and then being a spaz with all these mental symptoms, muscle twitching, gut pains, gas, going from hot to cold body temp, kidney aching.
I'm obviously going to continue meat, potatoes, oats, with cinnamon and coconut oil (not a lot) on them.
But how did I go from not having these obvious overgrowth symptoms to all hell breaking loose? I has weeks and weeks of getting stuff out with garlic, cayenne, acv... and would have figured it wouldn't be like this at the very least.
I need some answers here as to why this is happening now.
I've also got probiotics 1 bill strains that I'll continue at home.... and all the other common sense things.
UGH... what did I get myself into.