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Herbs for adrenal fatigue
lzqosoz94 Views: 6,306
Published: 14 y

Herbs for adrenal fatigue

Hi i am 17 and have adrenal fatigue per blood tests showing low cortisol, low t, low progesterone, and hypothyroid. I have many of the classic symptoms, crash in the afternoon hard, mental fog, irritability, anxiety, no sex drive, mild depression, startle easily, get shaky in times of stress. (none of these were problems in the past).

My naturopath has me taking "Adren-all" by Orthomolecular
its got some vit. a, c, e, niacin, b6, b12, b5.
- 220mg adrenal concentrate, 100mg eleuthero extract, 100mg rhodiola extract, 100mg shizandra berry extract, 75mg liccorice root. All are standardized
- i take this twice daily.
- i also take 50mg 5-htp before bed, and 2g glycine.
- i use l-theanine in the day for anxiety relief.

I am not sure what type of licorice is used "american or chinese", i have heard rhodiola may be bad for someone with low cortisol, and adrenal concentrate may atrophy the adrenal gland.

Any advice on herbs to take, or a plan to follow, criticism would be welcome.
*I have maca but was told to not take this with the other herbs, maybe the maca can be of use.


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