Yes, I have the heat intolerance that you described - exactly like that! It comes and goes. Haven't noticed it for awhile, but the warm months are about to hit. I also have erythromelalgia which is brought on by heat for me. I am 17 months post. I wouldn't say that I can remember an exact "crash month" after the 8 month mark. It's just that I have good and bad months. During my bad months, I am shaky, have muscle weakness, and find it hard to coordinate my limbs. Also spacey head/dizziness/vision issues that all go together. Unfortunately, I feel that I have a good month for every 3 bad months. My good month isn't usually an entire month either. But this last month was better than normal, so let's see what the summer holds. We are likely moving to a new home, so that stress won't help, and I'm worried about being up to the physical demands of it.