I am so glad you posted this. I was about to post one that says basically the same thing. I think the hardest part of all this is that MS is something that can never be 100% ruled out so there is always that thought in the back of our heads since our symptoms are identical to MS. Anyone feel that same thing? I am 5 months post removal and this week have had the return of tingling in legs and left arm and heat intolerance. Does anyone else have heat intolerance? I do not have it when I am internally heated, I run 8 miles everyday no problem and sweat on stairmaster but... if I sit in the sun, even on a 68degree day I instantly feel very tired and dizzy, almost stoned, it is like a lightheaded feeling but more like a stoned/pain medication feeling. Would love to know if anyone else has this! Is this a crash...?? I just STOPPED taking progesterone as well, my OB had me on it to try to start my period. Maybe that is the cause??