one of the most amazing testimonies i have received about Iodine is relief from joint pain and greatly increased mobility. the surprising thing(i already knew Iodine makes everything work better) is that these testimonies were unsolicited and a pleasant surprise to the recipients of the benefits.
the best joint health i have found is eating gristle. when my knees were hurting i ate all the knuckles and what i could stomach from roasted chicken. worked like a charm.
but the main thing i wanted to say is hydration. salt and water. do the Water Cure FIRST to make sure its not that. everybody thinks they are hydrated and most are not. you have to make strenuous efforts, or most people do. even when i was doing all i knew to do i would hit the hydration train again and get even more good out of it. people tell me they KNOW they are hydrated. they are fooling themselves.