Re: Inflammatory breast cancer or mastitis?
Another doctor that looked at her most recently said it was probably cancer, but we won't know until the biopsy.
I hate when doctors do this. There is no way to tell without the biopsy so they should hold their opinions until after they get the biopsy as to not worry the person needlessly. Although I have also seen a number of times where doctors assumed something was cancer and when the biopsies came back negative they still insisted it was cancer simply because they did not want to admit that their initial claim was wrong.
She didn't go yet, but will probably get one on Thursday. I am guessing it's inflammatory breast cancer because of the swelling, inflammation, tenderness to the touch, etc., and other similarities to mastitis. I don't know what the doctor is basing his conclusion on, exactly, because it was my impression that only a biopsy (or perhaps other lab work) could determine whether it's cancer or mastitis. I know that once she started taking the copper, anti-inflammatories, and immune boosters, the 'thing' stopped developing -- it was simply arrested.
Copper is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory so it could just as easily be mastitis.
I have some follow-up questions:
1) I am making the herbal formula, anyway... I don't want to wait for the biopsy results. Looking at the chaga and turkey tail: what dosages, what frequency? I managed to get 2 lbs of chaga, but it's minced, and looks like bee pollen -- it's not a powder. Should this be chewed, or is a tea better? How many grams for the chewing or for the tea?
For the chagas you can make a tea. The betulinic acid in chagas is heat stable. Traditional use is through the making of a tea and I was talking once to a Lakota medicine man who told me they smoke these mushrooms for lung cancer. To make the tea I recommend rapidly boiling a spoon full of the chopped mushroom per cup of hot water. Keep the container covered while boiling. Then turn off the heat and allow it to steep until cooled. I recommend drinking a cup of the tea 3-4 times daily on an empty stomach.
The turkey tail is in capsules, although it's a 20:1 extract. How often should these capsules be taken?
I recommend 1 capsule 3-4 times daily also on an empty stomach.
2) I ordered Jarrow's Organic Germanium, which are 100 mg capsules. You recommend 40 mg, 3 times a day. In Michael Tierra's book, he recommends 24g of suma powder throughout the day for cases of cancer. I also purchased Turkey Tail. Would all of these things provide way too much germanium, and if so, what are the side effects? Should I cut down on the capsules, or what?
Organic germanium is very safe, so it would be hard to take too much. In human studies doses up over 6,000mg daily did not show toxicity, and it does not accumulate in the body. But excess simply gets excreted unchanged, so taking extra just becomes waste.
I'm thinking that, if I add the capsule contents to the formula, there will be no measuring problems. I could make it that there's exactly 20, 30, 40, or 50 mg of germanium per serving, or is that not advisable because it has to be taken with food?
It can be taken with the herbs instead of food.
3) Is it safe to take Schisandra berry alongside the herbal formula? I see, for example, poke root in it, but if Schisandra makes the cell walls more permeable, would this increase potential toxicity with poke root? I'd like to use Schisandra to simultaneously support her liver and kidneys because of long-term Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, etc., use.
Yes, it is safe to take the schisandra with the other herbs. The amount of poke root in the formula is low since I also use amla in the formula for a synergistic reaction. This allows for stronger immune boosting effect from the poke root while reducing the risk of toxicity.
4) You note 10,000 IU of Vit. A. Does this mean direct Vit. A., as in Cod Liver Oil, or beta-carotene? My mom's kidneys aren't great right now (lack of hydration throughout life; chronic use of painkillers), so I'm wondering about the Vit. A.
!0,000IU is an upper limit for actual vitamin A, not carotenes. Ideally the daily intake should be much lower anyway.
5) I would like to try ozone, and found a doctor pretty close to me who would do it. The initial consultation is $300, which seems pricey. He also does IV vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, and many other things. But, what kind of price should I look for per ozone treatment, to let me know I'm not getting ripped off (in the NYC area) and could possibly go to another ozone doctor? What frequency of treatment and what method of administration?
I have not talked to many doctors about what they charge for ozone treatments. The only price I have ever heard for ozone therapy by a doctor was $75 a treatment. But I generally recommend people simply buy a medical unit, which is not much more than the $300 you would spend on a consultation anyway. Then the person can give themselves treatments as needed and will have the unit for other uses as well.
As for method and frequency I prefer rectal insufflation. It is not considered as effective as injections, but is much safer and less invasive. Concentration and flow rate must be kept very low (flow rate around 1/10lpm) and the first few treatments will be extremely short, about 5 minutes, due to severe bloating. After the first few treatments the bloating should stop and I recommend 20 minutes three times a day.
She will likely have flu-like symptoms the first few days, but this usually stops after the third or so treatment.
Don't forget a lot of water throughout the day.
6) If ozone isn't an option, and chemo or surgery is required, what herbs can be taken (besides the ones in the formula) to reduce side effects of these options, especially the chemo?
The herbs in the formula will help with the chemo side effects, especially the pau d' arco and chaparral.
7) Diet -- I know you say to avoid animal products, and that seeds are good, but what kind of seeds, and in what quantity?
Soy products are great if cooked or fermented. The phytoestrogens in soy are antitumor, and the phytic acid will help reduce free iron and well as boost the immune system. Seeds such as soybeans are also a good source of antiviral protease inhibitors.
Whole oats, brown rice, millet, quinoa, etc. are also good choices.
There is no specific amount, but these along with vegetables should make up the bulk of the diet.
Any specific fats to take?
Fish oils are the best. Deep cold water fish, such as cod and haddock, are good sources and generally come from cleaner waters. Or fish oil supplements can be used. Carlson's is a good brand. If the oil has a fishy smell or taste avoid it.
Cabbage -- cooked, or raw?
Cabbage and its relatives are good, but should be cooked some to reduce their goitrogenic effect.
Because excess iron is not good in cases of cancer beets would be best avoided. Beets are also very hyperglycemic, which again is not good for cancer.