God, the doctor just told her he would do the blood ozonation (tranfuse her own ozonated blood back into her body), and that she would need at least 20 of these treatments.
Each treatment is $1500.
That is ridiculous!!!
That's at least $30,000 -- I cannot believe the number.
I don't know if he is using autohemotherapy or ozonepheresis, but even these types of therapy should not cost anywhere close to that. I wonder how many of these doctors are simply playing on people's desperation. Actually being that your mom does not even have a proper diagnosis the doctor would have no idea of how many treatments would really be needed.
I'm not sure whether to look for another doctor, or what... or buy my own ozone machine. Her breast is now rock-hard all over; there is no soft tissue anywhere. Her bones hurt and she's afraid to even leave the house, since she chronically feels sick. I no of no other doctor to treat her, though.
The description does not sound good, especially the bone pain. So you are right to get started with something even before the biopsy comes in just in case.
In the long run though your best bet is to just get an ozone unit. This is a lot cheaper and she will not be limited on the number of treatments. Plus it would be available for other things that may come up later.
I'm 23, just graduated college; she's 42. I can't afford to pay such crazy money. She can't afford it, either.
What do you advise? Do you know of any place she can go? She'll be willing to even fly somewhere for treatment, if it means paying less.
First thing to look in to would still be getting an ozone unit. Otherwise look for another doctor. One that will actually wait for an actual diagnosis so they know what they are dealing with. We do have a couple of doctors out this way that do ozone, but I do not know what they charge. I do know that the one doctor is going to be expensive. If I remember right his initial consultation is around $600.
Another doctor that looked at her most recently said it was probably cancer, but we won't know until the biopsy.
I hate when doctors do this. There is no way to tell without the biopsy so they should hold their opinions until after they get the biopsy as to not worry the person needlessly. Although I have also seen a number of times where doctors assumed something was cancer and when the biopsies came back negative they still insisted it was cancer simply because they did not want to admit that their initial claim was wrong.
She didn't go yet, but will probably get one on Thursday. I am guessing it's inflammatory breast cancer because of the swelling, inflammation, tenderness to the touch, etc., and other similarities to mastitis. I don't know what the doctor is basing his conclusion on, exactly, because it was my impression that only a biopsy (or perhaps other lab work) could determine whether it's cancer or mastitis. I know that once she started taking the copper, anti-inflammatories, and immune boosters, the 'thing' stopped developing -- it was simply arrested.
Copper is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory so it could just as easily be mastitis.
I have some follow-up questions:
1) I am making the herbal formula, anyway... I don't want to wait for the biopsy results. Looking at the chaga and turkey tail: what dosages, what frequency? I managed to get 2 lbs of chaga, but it's minced, and looks like bee pollen -- it's not a powder. Should this be chewed, or is a tea better? How many grams for the chewing or for the tea?
For the chagas you can make a tea. The betulinic acid in chagas is heat stable. Traditional use is through the making of a tea and I was talking once to a Lakota medicine man who told me they smoke these mushrooms for lung cancer. To make the tea I recommend rapidly boiling a spoon full of the chopped mushroom per cup of hot water. Keep the container covered while boiling. Then turn off the heat and allow it to steep until cooled. I recommend drinking a cup of the tea 3-4 times daily on an empty stomach.
The turkey tail is in capsules, although it's a 20:1 extract. How often should these capsules be taken?
I recommend 1 capsule 3-4 times daily also on an empty stomach.
2) I ordered Jarrow's Organic Germanium, which are 100 mg capsules. You recommend 40 mg, 3 times a day. In Michael Tierra's book, he recommends 24g of suma powder throughout the day for cases of cancer. I also purchased Turkey Tail. Would all of these things provide way too much germanium, and if so, what are the side effects? Should I cut down on the capsules, or what?
Organic germanium is very safe, so it would be hard to take too much. In human studies doses up over 6,000mg daily did not show toxicity, and it does not accumulate in the body. But excess simply gets excreted unchanged, so taking extra just becomes waste.
I'm thinking that, if I add the capsule contents to the formula, there will be no measuring problems. I could make it that there's exactly 20, 30, 40, or 50 mg of germanium per serving, or is that not advisable because it has to be taken with food?
It can be taken with the herbs instead of food.
3) Is it safe to take Schisandra berry alongside the herbal formula? I see, for example, poke root in it, but if Schisandra makes the cell walls more permeable, would this increase potential toxicity with poke root? I'd like to use Schisandra to simultaneously support her liver and kidneys because of long-term Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, etc., use.
Yes, it is safe to take the schisandra with the other herbs. The amount of poke root in the formula is low since I also use amla in the formula for a synergistic reaction. This allows for stronger immune boosting effect from the poke root while reducing the risk of toxicity.
4) You note 10,000 IU of Vit. A. Does this mean direct Vit. A., as in Cod Liver Oil, or beta-carotene? My mom's kidneys aren't great right now (lack of hydration throughout life; chronic use of painkillers), so I'm wondering about the Vit. A.
!0,000IU is an upper limit for actual vitamin A, not carotenes. Ideally the daily intake should be much lower anyway.
5) I would like to try ozone, and found a doctor pretty close to me who would do it. The initial consultation is $300, which seems pricey. He also does IV vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, and many other things. But, what kind of price should I look for per ozone treatment, to let me know I'm not getting ripped off (in the NYC area) and could possibly go to another ozone doctor? What frequency of treatment and what method of administration?
I have not talked to many doctors about what they charge for ozone treatments. The only price I have ever heard for ozone therapy by a doctor was $75 a treatment. But I generally recommend people simply buy a medical unit, which is not much more than the $300 you would spend on a consultation anyway. Then the person can give themselves treatments as needed and will have the unit for other uses as well.
As for method and frequency I prefer rectal insufflation. It is not considered as effective as injections, but is much safer and less invasive. Concentration and flow rate must be kept very low (flow rate around 1/10lpm) and the first few treatments will be extremely short, about 5 minutes, due to severe bloating. After the first few treatments the bloating should stop and I recommend 20 minutes three times a day.
She will likely have flu-like symptoms the first few days, but this usually stops after the third or so treatment.
Don't forget a lot of water throughout the day.
6) If ozone isn't an option, and chemo or surgery is required, what herbs can be taken (besides the ones in the formula) to reduce side effects of these options, especially the chemo?
The herbs in the formula will help with the chemo side effects, especially the pau d' arco and chaparral.
7) Diet -- I know you say to avoid animal products, and that seeds are good, but what kind of seeds, and in what quantity?
Soy products are great if cooked or fermented. The phytoestrogens in soy are antitumor, and the phytic acid will help reduce free iron and well as boost the immune system. Seeds such as soybeans are also a good source of antiviral protease inhibitors.
Whole oats, brown rice, millet, quinoa, etc. are also good choices.
There is no specific amount, but these along with vegetables should make up the bulk of the diet.
Any specific fats to take?
Fish oils are the best. Deep cold water fish, such as cod and haddock, are good sources and generally come from cleaner waters. Or fish oil supplements can be used. Carlson's is a good brand. If the oil has a fishy smell or taste avoid it.
Cabbage -- cooked, or raw?
Cabbage and its relatives are good, but should be cooked some to reduce their goitrogenic effect.
Because excess iron is not good in cases of cancer beets would be best avoided. Beets are also very hyperglycemic, which again is not good for cancer.
I avoided buying an ozone unit because I'm scared of hurting her. I don't know how to administer it, exactly, or of precautions, what to do if something goes wrong, etc. so I was looking for ozone therapy doctors. Now that they're pretty much out of the question, perhaps it's best if I invest in an ozone or Rife machine. I can't afford the $30,000 that doc was asking for 20 treatments, but I can certainly invest in these 2 machines, if the price isn't crazy.
It really is not hard to administer. The insufflation she can do herself once she learns how to do it. injections would be a different story.
But, could you give me a link to a good medical-grade ozone generator for rectal insufflation? I don't know what's overpriced, what's poor quality, good quality, etc. -- do they sell quality machines in the $400-$700 range? All I see are well over $1000, and sometimes several thousand.
There was one that Gina posted not too long ago that looked like a really good one and at a decent price. I think she said around $400 on Ebay. There is a thread on here somewhere about it.
But she would also need to get an oxygen tank and regulator. Medical tank regulators are better since they are more stable. But medical tanks cannot be filled without a prescription. But there are ways around this.
Oxygen tanks can be rented from welding supply companies. So getting oxygen in general is not difficult.
Could you also provide instructions on how to use? You say 5 minutes the first day, and longer thereafter, but how frequently once she's acclimated, and for how long, per day? etc. I've read Oxygen Healing Therapies, but I'm still not confident about using one, myself.
Yes, I can help you with this once she is ready and has the equipment so I can go over it with her.
If it's mastitis, I'm assuming the ozone will work just as well?
Ozone can help with the mastitis, but in this case it would be better to do "cupping" over the breast and let the ozone absorb directly through the breast tissue.
For the past few months, my mother has been having inflammation in her chest. It's tender to the touch, but she refused to go get a biopsy because some friend of hers told her "she could die" from a biopsy. She's also been having a low-grade fever, which indicates infection. She has had several cavities for well over a decade, but refused to clear that up, too, since she's frightened of dentists, needles, etc., and pretty much anything that might cause slight discomfort. She had a heart attack last year -- she's in her early 40s -- probable due to horrible diet, stress, or even the cavities. It didn't help that to deal with insomnia, toothaches, etc., she's been chronically using Advil and Tylenol. Since last year, however, she's been eating much better.
Anyway -- that's the background. Today, she's going in for a biopsy, but I'm not sure how long it will take for the results to come in. If it's inflammatory breast cancer, I'm scared that, after several months of not dealing with it (except for some extremely overpriced herbal and other tinctures, like "Carrera," bioavailable copper solution, anti-inflammatories, and immune system boosters), it might have spread to the rest of her body.
What she has been doing is somewhat counterproductive. You just said she has been taking immune boosters, but ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc.) is an immune suppressant since it damages the bone marrow suppressing the formation of stem cells.
I've read your write-up on cancer and, if this is what she has, I will give her chaga, turkey tail, the herbal formula you invented, minerals (zinc, selenium, etc.), on top of whatever else she decides to do. I will add considerable doses of suma, as recommended for breast cancer by Michael Tierra in "The Way Of Herbs."
Yes, suma is the highest herbal source of organic germanium, which is highly antitumor. Organic germanium will also help repair the bone marrow damage from the ibuprofen. Turkey tail mushrooms are also rich in organic germanium, which is part of what makes them such great cancer fighters. The other compounds in the mushrooms are white blood cell activating polysaccharides.
I'm not sure if she will go into surgery or chemo, but I will definitely make sure to give her the herbs, which would protect her somewhat from the negative effects of chemo. Is there anything else you can think of for this particular kind of cancer?
The formula on the Cancer write up covers the various aspects of cancer that need to be addressed such as antimicrobials to deal with cancer causing microbes, blocking the glucose-lactic acid cycle, blocking angiogenesis and metastases, increasing cytokine levels, etc.
Ozone therapy is the best means of addressing cancer though. If it is cancer and has not spread the ozone can be injected directly in to the tumor with a glass syringe, which will destroy the cancer cells on contact. Tiny amounts of food grade hydrogen peroxide can be used in a similar manner, but is much more painful. Either way these should only be done by people who know how to do this properly, especially since accidently injecting these in to a blood vessel instead of tissue can be dangerous.
Ozone can be used through insufflation if there is metastasized cancer.
Rife units set to a frequency of 666hz is another great alternative.
But, most doctors think it's probably mastitis. Still, I've read you can't be 100% sure until you get the biopsy, so I'm not comforted yet. If it is mastitis, what do you recommend? I have no idea what to do with something like this.
If mastitis then antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory herbs such as chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis area all good choices. Hot compresses applied frequently are also very good.
She should cut back on the consumption of animal fats and dairy, which can aggravate mastitis.
I also just purchased an ozone machine, the one Gina saw for $399 -- cold corona, as you established a few months back. I spoke to the seller, John, for a while, and it turns out his mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of months ago, as well. She's using ozone, and he used ozone on himself for testicular cancer a few years before.
Thus, the protocol, so far, is as follows:
1) Ozone. How often, for what length of time, etc., should she do this? What setting should it be on? Should this setting ever change, or should she simply change the length of time? What position should she be in during administration? Anything to do before or after as preparation?
2) Rife. My questions about Rife are in the post above.
3) Food-grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. Do you think it's a worthy addition, if she's already doing ozone? Could she take diluted hydrogen peroxide as an extra kick -- if so, how often, how many drops, etc. ? Again, I'm familiar with the various protocols, but I trust your judgment above theirs.
4) Your anti-cancer herbal formula, as well as large quantities of Suma, Turkey Tail, Chaga, minerals.
5) No meat, no dairy; lots of beans, brown rice, seeds, cabbage, and other cooked vegetables.
6) Anything else that can be added? We won't know until the scan, but it feels as if the cancer -- if it's that -- has metastasized, given that she aches all over, especially in the bones. This is why I'm trying to be as comprehensive as possible. I don't have lots of money, but enough to buy the ozone unit, a Rife generator, herbs, and a few other things, possibly.
I would really prefer to wait to answer these after she has a proper diagnosis. How to best apply the ozone will depend on part if it is mastitis or cancer and if it is cancer if it has spread or not. Let me know what the biopsy shows. If it is malignant then they also need to do a bone scan.
If she has had lab tests also check to see where her serum calcium levels are at.
I will begin the Rife protocol next week.
But, I'd really like to try ozone before the biopsy results. She is only going in for the biopsy tomorrow and they're saying it will take 2 weeks to get the results.
The problem is that, as of now, she feels weak all over, has body aches, bone aches, and tells me that she will probably have to stop working, soon, unless her condition improves. Thus, whatever it is, it feels like it's getting to a critical stage. I know that rectal insufflation will help with cancer, in general, and at the very least provide higher energy, pain reduction, and just a better sense of well-being and quality of life. Could I simply do the ozone through rectal insufflation, for now, until I can give you a better sense of what's wrong?
Yes, it is not going to hurt anything.
I will have the unit here this week, anyway, so it makes sense to start using it. She was putting off this biopsy for so long, and now, with all the aches and extremely hard breast tissue all over, it scares me to wait any longer.
Could you give me a 2 or 3 week protocol to try (this can be done daily), as far as frequency, dosage, etc. ?
As far as frequency it is best 3 to 4 times daily. But the initial treatments will need to be really short, usually around 5 minutes due to the extreme bloating that will occur. This normally stops after about the third treatment. Make sure she drinks plenty of water throughout the day and if she develops flu-like symptoms have her back off. The increase of interferon from the ozone can cause this as well as the die off of pathogens and diseased cells.
As far as dosage this is going to be the tricky part. There are different ways of measuring ozone. When I first got in to ozone therapy the measurement was in a percentage of ozone to oxygen. Now everyone has gone to gamma or mg/ml. In addition, there are various factors that affect the output of the ozone including the flow rate of oxygen and the voltage applied. But many machines do not produce low enough concentrations of ozone at the low flow rates needed for rectal insufflation. I generally recommend a 10th of a liter per minute for a flow rate. Here is an old post on the concentrations used:
If the machine does not go low enough on concentration for a 10th of a liter per minute then the easiest way to remedy this is to attach the output hose to a gang valve to divert some of the ozone away from the rectal tube. This way you can still run the oxygen at a rate high enough to dilute the ozone concentration, but there will not be so much pressure that it inflates the colon like a balloon.
Thank you,
PS -- She's also had a heart attack last year due to stress and arterial blockage, at 41 years old. She had no surgery, but ozone can clean up her arteries while also working on whatever issues she has now -- lack of energy, chronic infections, etc. Does arterial clean-up work through rectal insufflation, as well, or must this be done intravenously, close to the site? I found a clinic that does $95 ozone treatments intravenously, so she could go there on occasion, too.
The rectal insufflation will still clean up the arteries since the ozone absorbs from the colon directly in to the bloodstream.
I'm looking to buy a Rife machine, also, but don't know where, or a good company. I saw this: http://www.pachealthonline.com/products.htm
The Blaster Select seems basic enough to run the one 666hz frequency, but is it any good? The company seems to be well-regarded on Curezone and the customer service knowledgeable.
I have seen schematics before to modify function generators in to Rife units, which is what they have done here. These can be used to output frequencies.
It's not a plasma tube -- does this matter at all?
No. In fact I prefer electrodes so the energy can be directed more specifically to the body.
How similar is this machine to your own Rife units?
Not even close. The units you found are function generators modified to put out multiple frequencies. But multiple frequencies are not required. My original unit did have 7 frequencies, then we narrowed it down to 6 frequencies, then 3 frequencies and now we only use the 666hz frequency, which has worked for everything we have tried it on. And again there is a basis for the three frequencies Rife kept that Rife did not understand. I am not very good at explaining it though. It was actually my father that figured it out. And the reason that Rife's other two frequencies were so much slower to work was because they were off by one number on each frequency. The three frequencies that Rife kept are related, and again there is a basis for them other than simply destroying pathogens.
One thing that I do dislike about so many of the units on the market is that they are based on the bogus frequency list being passed around on the internet and sold with these units. There is no basis for most of the frequencies on these lists to begin with. And some are even frequencies known to cause disease. But they cannot charge a lot of money on a simple fixed frequency device and people are less likely to believe something very simple will work. So they make the units more advanced looking with lots of bells and whistles to make the unit look more high tech so they can charge more money.
Another problem with these units and the frequency list is the fact that the whole concept of the Rife units is to re-tune the body back in to it primary normal frequency. But these units either run multiple frequencies at one time or tell you to suddenly switch between frequencies, neither of which are good. Running multiple frequencies at the same time is not going to allow the body to adjust to any one frequency like it needs to. Keep in mind that the body is full of crystalline substances and crystals vibrate at frequencies they are exposed to. But running let's say 10 frequencies at one time would be like trying to listen to and follow 10 conversations at one time. Basically it will "confuse" the body. The problem with changing frequencies suddenly is that the body will be vibrating at a particular frequency then suddenly be forced to adjust to a very different frequency, which is like going 60 miles per hour in one direction then suddenly going 80 miles per hour in a totally different direction. This is one of the reasons we went down to the one frequency rather than relying on the three frequencies Rife kept that if the last two were adjusted by one would do the same exact thing as the 666hz.
It's simply a stainless steel contact tube -- does this mean it has to be directly applied to the breast (for inflammatory breast cancer), or can it be left on any part of the body to let the 666hz frequency roll through?
Actually it is best to run the frequency through the feet an allow the body to complete the circuit. There are several reasons for this. One is that depending on the strength of the machine it may not be a good idea to run the electrical current that close or through the heart since it could disrupt the heart rhythm. Secondly, if it is cancer and it has metastasized you want the current going all through the body, not just in the breast area.
How often, and for how long, should the treatment be applied?
We would do generally 20-30 minutes three times daily.
Does it matter how far my mother sits from the unit?
No since the electrodes will be in direct contact with her.
Does the type of wave -- sine, etc. -- matter?
This I cannot answer. I know there is a difference on the body depending on the wave form, but I am not an electronics person. But I do recall my father experimenting with different types of waves to see the differences on the body, but could not tell you more than that. It was a long time ago and I do not recall what he said about it.
I know it comes with an instruction manual, but reading your posts on Rife, it seems people frequently get the procedure wrong -- so, I'm asking you how to operate the unit. Can you give me any other instructions I'd need to know?
That is pretty much it. The only other thing is that we would use saline (saltwater) soaked cloth to cover the electrodes so there was better conduction to the body.
And for others reading this these units should not be used by people with pacemakers, insulin pumps or other electronics implanted in the body nor metal implants such as hip replacements, screws, pins, plates, etc.
Yes, I've read what you said about the machines with multiple frequencies, etc., but this is why I'm looking at this model, specifically. It's a lot cheaper than the other models precisely because it can only run one frequency at a time, unless you manually re-enter frequencies. But, I told customer service I only want to run ONE frequency for an extended period of time -- he was surprised that I wanted to do this, since most people want to run multiple frequencies at once, but that this model only runs the one frequency you set it to.
Given all of this, do you think it's a workable unit, if I do, in fact, keep it at the 666hz frequency for 30 mins at a time?
Yes, this will work.
Note that it's not going to flip through frequencies. I just worry about the mechanics of it, or whether there is some other "addition" to the equipment that's counter-productive and would keep it from working well. If the issue is simply bogus frequencies, I can keep it at 666hz, perpetually.
Also, you said the electrodes are most effective -- with the machine in the link, these aren't electrodes, exactly, but metal tubes. The only difference that I see here is in the fact that the contact surface area is larger with the tubes, and it's uncomfortable to set your feet down on them -- would that mean part of the current will not be channeled effectively?
The tubes are designed to be held so there will be good contact. But going through the feet would be better.
If so, can this be gotten around by placing the tubes in a tub of saline solution, with the feet in the tub, on top of the tubes? Or should I get some kind of stainless steel foot pads, to which I'd attach the cables, like the pads being sold on the site:
She can wet some rags with saline and place them on top of some plastic bags so they are not in contact with ground. Then lay the tubes on the rags and place her feet on the rags.
On the specifications for the Blaster Select is says:
"Commercial grade stainless steel foot pads and cables".
Surely this is the same as the ones on the accessory list, so you wouldn't need to buy it separately?
It would be best to e-mail them with that question since "commercial grade" is a very vague term so it is impossible to know if other electrodes they sell are really different.
Another thing -- how large of an oxygen tank should I get?
You want the largest you can comfortably carry or move around. The reason is the fill costs are about the same regardless of the size of the tank. I prefer 125cuft tanks myself since they are easy for me to carry but are large enough to last quite a while.
Another thing I used to do was I got a custom connector from the welding supply that connected my big tank to a "pony" bottle. This allowed me to fill the pony bottle from the big tank. Pony bottles are small and I had a carrying case for it so I could easily take it and the ozone unit with me. If you do this research filling tanks though since there are things to keep in mind such as pressures the tanks are rated for and the heat build up from filling.
If medical tanks require a prescription, would welders be able to supply a welding tank, instead, and fill it on the spot?
Yes, all oxygen sold has to be medical grade by federal law. You can actually buy a tank or rent a tank. Either way you will have to buy a regulator since they do not rent these. Then add a hose barb to fit the tubing for your machine. And whether rented or bought you simply take the tank to the same company and they will swap you out with a filled tank each time.
Also, the Rife machine -- it has an amplitude setting that, once you move it high enough, will make you feel a tingle from the electricity. If you move it up even higher, it's painful.
I used to set the units to the highest level it could be tolerate without being uncomfortable. The more salt added for a conductor the less power that is needed to reach this level. So the setting will not always be the same.
Is there a specific amplitude setting that's best? Is a "slight tingle" enough?
Answered above.
I ask because, according to "The Body Electric," stronger currents are not necessarily better, and can be damaging, even if they feel low.
The best way to explain this is how my father put it. You can charcoal the outside of a steak and it still be raw in the middle. In other words applying too much energy is like charcoaling the outside of the steak. It does not mean the energy is doing much to the body inside. So it is correct that more is not better.