Re: I don't even know whether this is right place to post! Newbie with lots of questions
Welcome onetwothree,
The products in your link are from Unyquity's storefront: Herbal Apothecary
She is the owner of this forum and in my opinion offers the BEST quality products and prices you will find.
Some more about these products:
Herbal Apothecary
Here is some information on
Liver Cleansing and related information and should help answer your questions about your food program, juice fasting and cleansing as well as Adrenal Fatigue.
I know it is a lot of information, but there are no 'short' or 'simple' answers when cleansing and healing the body. It is a process...
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse:Liver/Gallbladder
Liver/Gallbladder flushing should always be done as PART of a program--not as an ISOLATED technique.
Good prep work: Bowel/colon cleansing for two weeks MINIMUM--you should be having 3+ bowel movements daily, coffee enemas,
Dr. Schulze ’s 5 day flush drink and tincture/herbal tonic, detoxification tea, foot reflexology, castor oil packs.
~!~ What is the BEST liver flush?
Liver Flush 101 [Unyquity]
Epsom Salts ,
Liver Flushing 'thinks & thoughts' [Unyquity]
Liver Flushing - Orthophosphoric Acid -
Epsom Salts [Unyquity]
Phosphoric Acid *!*INFO BOMB*!*(PhosFood Ortho/Ultra Phos) [Unyquity]
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse - Coffee Enemas
[FAQ] healing Clease -- Colon
[FAQ] The Food Program:
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Juice Fasting
Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared... [Unyquity]
Links to other helpful information for those interested in the protocols and programs used on this forum:
What is Natural Healing (on this forum) and How to Get Started
~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads
LINKS to the [FAQ] Working File Threads... and SOME related information.
LINKS TO: Sources -- Products -- Related Information