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Re: calling on Uny and others
Anne_33 Views: 1,613
Published: 14 y
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Re: calling on Uny and others

ok Uny I am finally getting around to answering some of your questions ..thanks for taking time to help me once again

of first off I have been benzo free for 2 yrs and 2 months now

I know I need to Liver Flush and that is definately on my plan to do and a bunch of em

if you think I need humanaworm then I will order some but havent as of yet ..I know I have parasites though thats obvious LOL

ashwaganda powder you say?I will have to get some of that . well I do have the adrenal tincture and currently can only take 1 dropperfull at a time cause it seems to make me a little nervous and not sure why but it definately gives me the energy I need when taken at the correct dose for me

as far as bitters I have the digestive bitters tonic by natures sunshine ..I tried a half tsp the other night and it made me feel a little weird (kinda hard to explain) so I havent taken anymore as of yet

milk thistle I take daily 1/2 tsp in the morning and 1/2 in the evening .could probably take more as that dose does not faze me at all really . I need to work up on that I know

acerola cherry powder - Pacific botanicals or alma berry powder ? I will order some of that then for sure

bee pollen ? well I cant take much of that at all right now ..could be because its allergy season and Knoxville is number 1 on the list for allergies in the US and Chattanooga is number 3 and I live in the middle of those two cities
I could probably start out with a couple of grains and move up from there but right now I am out but I can get it at the local flea market as well as honey from local bee keepers in the area .. bee pollen runs $11 for a pint jar here . is that a good source or do I need to start asking questions ?? I have had to work the past 2 saturdays so I havent been able to get there to get anymore .but I plan on it this weekend cause I will be off all next week on vacation !!!! and tomorrow is actually my last day !! YAY! so I will be able to get in some Liver Flushes and other stuff

as far as cayenne I take it daily . sometimes the powder and sometimes the tincure ..when taking the tincture its is usually 2 droppersfull . powder is 1/4 tsp at a time sometimes 2-3 x daily depending on my schedule

I also take garlic with it too normally 2-3 cloves (depending on the size) at a time at least 1 x daily

what is working for me is whenever I get anxiety while on the IF#1 and #2 I use the vit d cream.. just a little and that is always enough to calm me within minutes and then I am just fine ..I only use it when necessary and feel I will have to continue it until I get my body where it needs to be .

EFT is something I got to get into the habit of using for sure .. and I havent yet but I will use it the next time I am having issues or scared to try something new .I will do it for sure

I know its our responsibility and I am really trying to do this .I know I cannot get better without doing what it takes . I dont care what others think about me either .I really dont cause once I set my head to something not even the devil himself can talk me out of it ..LOL

I will keep what you said in mind about posting again while having problems . I will be sure to be specific about anything I have taken or done

anyways I hope this answers all the questions and sorry it took me so long to get back at ya



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